Conversations with market traders
Dignity and Respect between trader and customer
Like many in the town, I regularly utilise the many services on offer at Footeprints. One morning, Jason Foote approached me from behind the counter and asked whether the Rights-Respecting Town approach could help him with an issue. He was concerned that, on occasion, a customer is verbally abusive to his staff. Could taking a Rights-respecting approach help with this?
A visit to the Colfox Rights Ambassadors
I arranged for Jason to visit the school and outline the issue with the young ambassadors. They are very familiar with using the Rights approach to challenge behaviour and resolve conflict. It was agreed that they would create some artwork that celebrated our wonderful traders and shopkeepers and engage in conversations with the Bridport public during the Charter Fair.
These were displayed in the Arts Centre, and comments posted alongside them. The Ambassadors also worked on a logo and words that could be used in posters, effectively Rights Charters, that could be displayed in our shops. The next step in January is to take these ideas back to Jason and the Bridport Chamber of Trade and Commerce, for final consultation. We’ll keep you posted on the outcome!
‘Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world.’
Eleanor Roosevelt