Bridport Citizens’ Charter
General Rights & Duties
As a human being we have certain rights and freedoms. In return, we are responsible for upholding the rights and freedoms of all other human beings and engaging, as far as able, in activities that promote the wellbeing of everyone within the Town of Bridport and the wider community. As a community we expect our elected representatives to honour these rights and responsibilities.
5 Key Principal Rights & Responsibilities
1. Freedom of belief, thought and expression
We have the right to make up our own minds, think and believe what we like, express our thoughts freely and discuss our thoughts with other people.
We are all responsible for respecting the ideology, thoughts and feelings of other people and defending their right to express them within the limits of the law. We have a right to safe and public spaces where people can speak and share ideas freely and with respect.
2. Democracy and access to public services
We have the right to fully participate in local and national government and have equal access to all public services.
We are all responsible for actively engaging in the democratic process to ensure freedom of speech, and that all public services which uphold the dignity and safety of all our citizens are not denied or restricted unfairly. We also have responsibility to hold elected representatives to account where they fail in their responsibilities.
3. Personal and community security
We all have the right to a safe, warm, dry home, economic security and access to health and social care and live in a safe environment. We have a right to expect that government will secure our country and our communities. We have a right to learn and maximise our personal potential.
We have responsibility for our own and any dependants’ health and education by making responsible choices, but are also responsible for paying our taxes to ensure that local and national resources are available to deliver those essential services and aspirations.
4. Personal and community culture
We have the right to access, and freely participate in, the cultural life of the wider community and to protect and celebrate cultural differences within it.
We have a responsibility, therefore, to honour other peoples’ culture. We are also responsible for respecting copyright and intellectual rights of those who create literature, music etc.
5. Environment
We all have the right of access to sufficient of the Earth’s resources, but no more than to maintain the above rights.
We are responsible for not wasting natural resources, being aware of our carbon footprint and the consequences of our actions on the environment and natural community.